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  • bwherry
    Post count: 31

    Discount code for participants in this thread for products after LASS 1.5? ;)

    Post count: 31

    @Andrew K wrote:

    In the meantime, can’t you “not” quantize” the CC11 or CC1? That should pretty much do it.

    If one’s sequencer doesn’t send out the most recent controller messages (earlier in time) when playback starts, then yes, not quantizing CC1/CC11 will likely keep the problem away for the most part. But since most (if not all) sequencers DO perform some kind of controller chase back – resulting in CC1 and CC11 being sent at the same time – this problem will rear its ugly head all the time even in lieu of no controller quantization.

    Post count: 31

    Hi Andrew,

    I’m glad you’ve fixed this. A little disappointing that it took three years to fix, but glad nonetheless.

    I think you’re greatly underestimating the severity and frequency of the problem, though. As most (if not all) sequencers have a controller chase feature, any MIDI track that has CC1 and CC11 data on it earlier in time than the playback start position will result in CC1 and CC11 being sent simultaneously, immediately putting the LASS instrument into undefined behavior land. It doesn’t matter if the controllers were originally entered with a pencil tool or played in. I’m pretty surprised you and your team didn’t find this problem early on. Do you turn controller chase off on purpose?

    Anywho, glad it’s been sorted.


    Post count: 31

    I’m still interested in the problem being fixed for sure, I’m just not interested in more back-and-forth of trying this, trying that, etc. None of the LASS problems I’ve reported thus far has been fixed, so I’ve sort of lost hope. :(

    If it does get fixed in a point release, will I be able to get it, as a 1.5 user, without having to shell out additional money? Or… since I’ve never used the auto arranger and don’t plan to can I simply turn it off and have this problem go away? Please confirm.

    If you can also fix this problem you will be my favorite person in the whole world!!


    Post count: 31

    @Sebastian K wrote:

    Hi bwherry (and anyone else experiencing this bug):

    Can you tell me… does the issue go away completely if you bypass the Auto Arranger script (Full Kontakt required to open the instrument and actually bypass AA)?

    Does the issue go away completely if *you* bypass the Auto Arranger script? I’ve long since moved on to using a different orchestral strings library and don’t want to invest more time debugging LASS problems. Hopefully someone else that’s still invested in fixing LASS bugs can get help you out… Maybe ethosofmusic?


    Post count: 31

    Even if you don’t have actual CC1 and CC11 values happening simultaneously in your sequence, if you have controller chase turned on (as most folks likely do) when you change the playback position in your sequencer if you’ve got any CC1 and CC11 data on the same MIDI tracks they’re going to be sent to the instruments simultaneously, and boom – the volume levels of your LASS instruments will be all over the place. Major PITA.

    Post count: 31

    When I made the original example a year ago and yesterday when I checked it out I used patches right out of the library with no modifications, so AMG off. In my template I use the divisi sections w/ AMG on. Doesn’t seem to make much difference to my ears.


    Post count: 31

    Can someone with LASS 2.0 or 2.0.1 try to reproduce this please? Sometimes it’s not necessarily a level drop but the second note changes timbre fairly significantly (at low CC1 values). So instead of the expected


    it’s more like





    Post count: 31

    Just wanted to revisit this issue, as it has made me crazy again on a recent project. I’ve condensed it down to a very simple example: (make sure to click the image link to see what the MIDI data looks like)

    In summary: LASS 1.5 long note patches don’t like CC1 and CC11 to happen at the same time. CC1 followed by CC11, no problem. CC11 followed by CC1, also fine. One CC1 message and one CC11 message happening at precisely the same time? Undefined behavior. Violins, Violas, Cellos, Basses, full sections, divisis, sustains, legatos, etc. Every long note (w/ CC1 control) patch I tried has the same problem. :(

    Anyone with 2.0 or 2.0.1, can you test this to see if it’s still happening?



    Post count: 31

    Note: I updated the original post to host files on SoundCloud instead of using my personal web space. That link is:

    Post count: 31

    Note: I updated the original post to host files on SoundCloud instead of using my personal web space. That link is:

    Post count: 31

    Note: I updated the original post w/ a link to SoundCloud to host the audio and imagery instead of using my personal web space. That link is:

    Post count: 31

    @Sebastian K wrote:

    Does the problem go away if you ‘jiggle’ the ‘Curve’ knob for both the Dynamic Layers and Layer Vol tables?

    I’ll try it next chance I get – but define what you mean by “jiggle” please.


    Post count: 31

    I finally got around to testing this (using the Smooth button). No help. Pressed Smooth button once – problem still there. Pressed it again – still there. Repeat… :(

    Edit: I also got around to trying the Vlns Full leg LPG Spd P+G_fix.nki patch – and the problem is all but gone. Nice! So that would be great if I were to use that patch (much more memory required than the simpler ones I use). I guess I can try redrawing the velocity curves in my patches…

    Post count: 31

    Thread resurrection… Over a year later, I just retested for this problem with the latest patches, in version 1.5 – the problem is still there. *sigh* :(


    Post count: 31

    I just retested for this problem with the latest patches, in version 1.5 – the problem is still there. *sigh* :(


    Post count: 31

    I just retested for this problem with the latest patches, in version 1.5 – the problem is still there. *sigh* :(


    Post count: 31

    Hi Andrew K,

    Have you been able to look into this at all?

    My understanding of the Kontakt LAG parameter was that it would basically “reinterpret” big jumps in CC data values with incremental ones over the specified time period. So for instance, if I have the CC1 LAG set to 10000 (ten thousand milliseconds, so ten seconds) and I have a CC1 value that jumps from 1 to 10 at time=N, during playback I would hear as if I had CC1=1 at time N, CC1=2 at time N+1 seconds, CC1=3 at time N+2 seconds, … up to the full CC1 value of 10 at N + 10 seconds. But I don’t think the LAG parameter actually “interpolates the value of whatever thing the CC is controlling” over the specified time. I’ll have to check for sure.

    Even if the LAG *will* smooth over those single increments of CC1, it’s not a great solution as that will prohibit a rapid velocity cross fade, like for a sforzando piano crescendo.

    I think the real solution will likely involve actually changing the relative levels of the different velocity layer groups, similar to what I did to get the sustain patch working smoothly. But with the legatos there are all the legato samples to worry about…

    Thanks in reading,


    Post count: 31

    I was going to post a request for separate half-step and whole-step trill patches, but luckily I searched first and found this thread! Glad I can use “major” and “minor” mode keyswitches – that’s good to know.

    Since I’ve started using (and liking) Kontakt instrument banks, and thus using program changes to switch articulations, being able to switch to “HT trills” and “WT trills” via program changes would be super nice. This would prevent the appearance of “random notes” in the sequencer/score and would also prevent something like transposing a section up an octave from messing up the keyswitch (like causing the keyswitch to be either outside the proper keyswitch range or into the playable range of the instrument). Not a super-huge deal, but a nice-to-have for the product backlog… :)

    …or if there’s a not-too-hard way one can do with with some Kontakt group/zone copying/pasting/etc. I’m up for trying that, too. :)



    Post count: 31

    Okay, here’s a new example. Looks like this:

    Image link: (in case the right side gets cut off above)

    Single note (E4), Vlns Full leg L patch out-of-the-box, very gentle CC1 ramps with big CC11 ramps for larger volume swells. Should sound like pretty smooth surges.

    Sounds like this:
    (volume pumped way up with limiter so it’s easier to hear)

    Level jumps all over the place — and jumping *up* in level when all new CC11 and CC1 data is moving *down*.

    MIDI file:

    Hope this helps!


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