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  • Simsy
    Post count: 28
    in reply to: CC list #42761

    Brilliant, thanks!

    Post count: 28
    in reply to: LASS with VSL MIR #31950


    Beacuse of the way MIR works. I am going to have one Kontakt instance per section (VL1,VL2,VLA,VLC,DB) inside each of these I will have single chair, section A, B and C. All these sections (chair,A,B,C) will be routed out the same main out in it’s Kontakt instance. So should I just add the plugin to the insert of the main out in each Kontakt instance?

    Or add the plugin to the FX insert on each instrument inside of the Kontakt rack?

    Post count: 28
    in reply to: LASS with VSL MIR #31948


    So I need to add this plugin for each section (VL1, VL2, VLA, VLC, DB) and they all need set to counter-clockwise?

    Sorry, don’t mean to sound stupid, but what exactly is this plugin doing to the sound?

    Post count: 28

    I understand about sharing sample set, but is it not more important what they are doing? For example, the violin sections are in most cases the most active, so first violins could be play long sweeping legato lines while violins 2 are playing a spiccato ostinato. If both sections are on one machine it will get more taxed than say long notes in the bass with violins 1.

    Would this be correct?

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